Pubrunner News

Jan 2025

Welcome to 2025! We are currently at Edgar's till the end of February, meeting before 5:45pm every Tuesday.

Edgars 2024

We are currently at Edgar's for the rest of 2024 until the end of February 2025

Badger is back

The Badger (ANU) is back from 22 Oct till 3 Dec. Meet at the cnr of Uni Ave and Childers St before 5:45pm each week.

RUC Turner from 3 Sept till 15 Oct

We are at the RUC in Turner from 3 Sept till 15 Oct. Course will be adjusted slightly so arrive early to hear the briefing from Coach Potty

Mercure August 2024

Enjoying the brisk night running from the Mecure Hotel and then pub treats in the Olim's Bistro afterwards.

Winter 2024

We're enjoying the winter warmer specials at Pedlar in Campbell till the end of July

Back to Burger Craft in Barton for Beers and Banter

Back to Burger Craft in Barton for Beers and Banter

Edgar's 2024

We are at Edgar's (Ainslie Shops) till 20 February 2024

Badger just for one more week

12 December 2023 Badger & Co then from 19 December till the end of January 2024 at Edgar's Inn.

Christmas Relays 2023

Christmas Relays 2023 - meeting spot is at the Playstation in Weston Park, Yarralumla. If you want to be on a team get there before 6pm this evening!

Return to Badger

Back at Badger & Co at the ANU till the end October. Start/finish is at the corner of Uni Ave and Childers St.

Pedlar for the 500th

We are at Pedlar in Campbell from 27 June which is also the 500th Pub Run!

Back at Olims/Mercure

Back at Olim's at the Mercure till 20 June. Starting/finishing point is on the corner of Gooreen St and Ainslie Ave

New venue, old course

From 7 March we are at Burger Craft in Barton doing what was the "Canberra Club" course which is now the Barton Pub Run

Edgar's update

Our Pub is Edgar's from now till 28 February 2023

Our next venue is our original venue

Back at the original venue where it all started back in 17 January 2012 - Edgar's till mid February

Christmas Relays 6 December 2022

A reminder the regular Pub Run today is replaced by the Canberra Runners' Relays. Meeting spot is on Weston Park Road, Yarralumla and first runner sets off at 6:15pm. If you want to join a team you need to get there before 6pm!

We start the Yarra Pub Run course 8 November 2022

We've finished at Badger and will be at the Canberra Yacht Club in Yarralumla to do the out and back course frm 5:45pm.

Then dinner at Snappers from 6:30pm.

Continuing at Badger until Snappers opens

I've extended our booking at Badger & Co (ANU) until 1 November, then the following week we move to Snappers at the Canberra Yacht Club in Yarralumla.

Back at Badger & Co (ANU)

Please note the start/finish location is actually the corner of Childers St and University Ave not the pub.

We are pubbing at Badger till 18 October.

Old fave Winter course

Back at Pedlar in Campbell with a table indoors from 6:30pm Tuesdays. Perfect after we've done the out'n'back lake course at 5:45pm.

Mercure for May!

We are back at the Mercure doing the newer, out and back course, not the old Olims loop course. Meet at 82 Ainslie Ave before 5:45pm every Tuesday

Testing the Duxton course next Tuesday 14 April

We have not done this course since 2015! And with daylight saving next week will be a test to see if the course is too dark or not. Meet out the Duxton Pub at O'Connor Shops before 5:40pm as we will set up promptly.

APOLOGIES we've been at Canberra Club since 22 Feb

Sorry folks, I forgot update the website. We are at Canberra Club in Barton till 5 April.

We are currently at Canberra Club in Barton

Sorry folks I forgot to update the website. We are at the Canberra Club till 5 April.

Back to Edgar’s for the rest of 2021 and into 2022

 Back to where it started 17 January 2012 Edgar’s. Run starts at 5:45pm with Pub from 6:30pm. 

Canberra Runners Christmas Relays – 7 December 2021

Be at Prescott Lane, Weston Park before 6pm tomorrrow to join a team and run 2km fast!

We are at Pedlar from now till 23 November

We ran via the Virtual Pub Run during the lockdown but are back at Pedlar enjoying the warmer weather for a change as we normally run this course in Winter. Then, I till take votes on next venue before 2021 finishes. January 2022 is our 10th anniversary!!

Venue change for August/September 2021

From 17 August till 28 September we are Pedlar Cafe/Bar in Campbell do our traditional (but late this year) winter course.

Run starts at 5:45pm sharp with a table for 15 Pubbers booked from 6:30pm.

Back to the Olims Bistro and the Mercure course for July

Start is across the road in-front of the flats on Ainslie Ave.

11 May 2021 venue changes

The last Badger Pub Run was rained out which was a shame but from next week (11 May) we start our Pub Run from the Canberra Club in Barton to do the Parliament course. See you there before 5:45pm, table booked from 6:30pm.

Course changing from YYC to Badger & Co next Tuesday (6 April)

We were so lucky to have beautiful evenings, bar the one rained out, to sit outside at Snapper on the Lake in March.

From 6 April we run from the corner of Uni Ave and Childers Street at 5:45pm sharp to do the ANU course. Then a table is booked at Badger & Co from 6:30pm. 

Back at the Yarralumla till it gets too cold

We are running the Yarralumla Yacht Club out and back course at the moment followed by drinks and treats from Snapper by the Lake.

When it gets too cool to sit outside we will move to an indoor venue, hopefully no earlier than end of March.

Changes of locations over the next couple of months

Tonight 12 January we are at Old Canberra Inn for a one off.

Back to Edgar's 19 January for the 9th anniversary of Pub Runners.

From 2 February at a new location to be advised based on a members vote.

The new Mercure course from the old Olims Hotel

From next Tuesday 27/10 we run from the Mercure Canberra (Olims) in Ainslie, starting at 5:45pm sharp.

We will be at this venue till 1/12 then move to a new location after the YMCA Christmas Relays.

Bye bye Pedlar for 2020 and hello RUC Turner

From 15 September we are at the RUC Turner for our flat 5km course until at least 6 October.
And note your diaries for Sunday 18 October for the inaugural Pub2Pub, our version of City2Surf.
This 15km social run will be untimed and take in not one or two, but FIVE Pub Run venues.

We are still at Pedlar until 1 September.

Join us at 5:45pm for a run and then 6:30pm for pub.

We are still deciding on where we will be from 8 September. Front runners are the Canberra Club in Barton and the Mercure (Olims) in Ainslie

Pub Run goes Virtual!

With limitations on the number of people who can be out together We have started the Virtual Pub Run. At 5:45pm every Tuesday please time your 5km run and send the information to Coach Potty either via text, email or WhatsApp. You will be able to continue to track your progress while still being connected with the Pub Run community here in Canberra and around the country!

From Tuesday 29 October we are back at The Dock, Kingston Foreshore

After a long break we return to The Dock in Kingston. For the new Pubbers this is a flat, fast out and back course with some zig-zags to keep you on your toes. We will most likely skip 5 November as this is Melbourne Cup Day, then continue at the The Dock until the Christmas Relays.

New Mercure course from old Olims Hotel

A new out and back course has been created from the Mercure/Olims Hotel which we will be doing for the next month.

Back to Pedlar Bar/Cafe for Autumn/Winter

Pedlar is our favourite venue for the darker, colder months. The course is relatively well lit, flat and scenic with no road crossings. Pedlar is welcoming, very well lit and toasty warm inside. We have our regular table booked from 6:30pm every week so even if a Pub Run is rained out, dinner is still an option.

The sad end of the Wig & Pen course

Next week we return to the venue of the first Pub Run in 2012 - Edgar's at Ainslie Shops.

Cheers, Coach Potty

Pub Runners heading to Wig & Pen

Hi Folks, we have 1 more week at Pedlar then we are moving on to an exciting new course from Wig & Pen. Join us there at 5:40 from 18 September! and remember to come and enjoy a last hurrah at Pedlar this coming Tuesday. 

We are back at toasty warm Pedlar for the duration of winter

From 15 May we have a booking for our favourite table near the kitchen from 6:30pm to warm up with eats and ales.

Coach Potty is away for 3 weeks but the Pub Run will be managed by the very capable Assistant Coach Salty.

From 2 April we are back at the Canberra Club in Barton for the next 6 weeks

Last Tuesday was the final run from the Dock at Kingston Foreshore. After daylight savings we move to better lit course starting with the Canberra Club which takes in the parliamentary triangle followed by our winter venue Pedlar in Campbell.

Return to Edgar's course 9 January

The Pub Runners return to the spiritual home at Edgar's at Ainslie Shops. It was mid January 2012 when the Prez Julia and Coach Potty were joined by half a dozen runners. Tuesday 16 January will be our celebration night with a slight variation on the Pub Run format. Hope to see past, present and newbie runners then!

Time to move venue again

30 May was the last time at the Canberra Club for 2017. Our next venue is the Pedlar in Campbell at 65 Constitution Ave starting 6 June. The course is out and back over King's Ave Bridge. Lots of colourful lights on this course and Pedlar has a nice vibe.

Pub Run venue for a few more weeks

We will stay at the Canberra Club in Barton for a few more weeks then I propose we move to the Pedlar course for a better lit route.

Venue change from ANU to Canberra Club

Last Tuesday 11 April we finished up at the ANU and next Tuesday 18 April will be at the Canberra Club in Braddon, a 5.2km route that takes in Parliament House.

Canberra Club (Barton location) is closed ANZAC Day so watch this space for a random Pub Run location. Coach Potty will notify all who subscribe to MailChimp.

Have a great Easter break!

Pubrunners moving to the ANU course

Hi Pubrunners, We are shifting to our ANU course from Tuesday 21st February. See you all outside university house before 5:40pm 



See you all at Edgars at 5:40pm for our next 5km timed run.

Happy New Year Pub Runners

The Pub Run kicks off on 3rd January 2017 at Edgars Inn,  Ainslie from 5:40pm. See you all there!!

Pub Runners 5 year anniversary is fast approaching, stay tuned for details!!

Christmas Relays 6 December 2016

The Pub Runners will have 4 teams at the YMCA Christmas Relays. If you not on a team come down and cheer on the Pubbers who are. Come in your running gear as we will be able to find you a spot on a team as there is always a chance of cancelation.

Cheers Coach Potty

Pub Run location change for November

25/10 was the last time at RUC Turner so starting from next week (1/11) we move back to an old favourite Mercure Canberra (formerly known as Olims). This course is a shorter 4.7km as opposed to the 5km of other routes.

Return to RUC Turner course from 6 September 2016

The last Pedlar Pub Run was on Tuesday so back to a flat course around Turner from the Bowling Club owned and run by the RUC.

Pub Run 21 June cancelled

High chance of rain, bitter windy conditions and a soft Coach have meant the Pub Run is off today.

Will be doing the new alternative Pub Run course from The Pedal (65 Constitution Ave) Campbell on Thursday at 5:40pm sharp, unless of course it is raining...

Last Canberra Club run for this year on 21 June 2016

Join us for the final pub run at the Canberra Club in Barton on Tuesday 21 June 2016 before we before we move to a new course. Tune in next week for more details...

Remember to also join us on Saturday 18 June for the new and exciting Parkrun around Lake Burley Griffin. 


The last ANU Pub Run today

Meet at the corner of Liversidge St and Balmain Cres. Drinks and dinner afterwards at Fellow's.

Next week we move to the Canberra Club (formerly the RUC) in Barton.

ANU Pub Run 5 April

Hi all –
We are still at the ANU for a few more weeks so hopefully I will seeyou there before 5:40pm tomorrow. This will be ideal taper off trainingfor those partaking in the Running Festival events this weekend.

Speakingof events earlybird entries for the Mother's Day Classic close thisWednesday. 
Coach Potty

ANU Pub Run 29 March cancelled

Pub Run cancelled this week because the Coach is soft and the forecast is rain all afternoon into the evening. Of course there is not sign of it right now but there you go...

For this weekend 27-28 February 2016

Saturday 8am - third anniversary of Tuggeranong Parkrun
Sunday 9am -casual run from Watson Shops followed by coffee at Knox Café afterwards.

Just because the Coach is away doesn't mean you can't run

Thursday 6:15am – easy run from the Coach’shouse IF it is not raining!

Saturday 8:30am – easy run of your choicefrom the Ferry Terminal. Coffee afterwards optional. I won’t be there unfortunately.

Sunday – a day or rest, ahhhhh…

The Australia Day Long weekend

Thursday 5:45pm – Easy run (approx. 6km)from The Dock at the Kingston Foreshore (untimed) weather permitting.

Saturday 9am – Easy run (6-8km) from Watson Shops.Optional coffee/brunch afterwards at Satis.

Monday 6:15am – Central Basin (5km) fromthe Flag Poles near the National Library. Early start for those workingMonday L

Tuesday 5:45pm – Oz Day Pub Run atEdgar’s (timed) followed by dinner and/or drinks.

Spring is Here!

Spring is here! The best time of the year to enjoy a run with the group.

The pubrun at Duxton is the perfect course to lead us into the warmer weather. Come along to appreciate this flatter course as the sun sets each Tuesday night.

keep up the running this winter,

Keep up the running this winter!

Keep warm this winter by joining us for our weekly runs!

New pub run on Tuesday at Mecure Canberra (Olims)..... See you at 5:40pm.

YMCA Half Marathon

Good luck to those running in the YMCA half marathon on Sunday!


This week's running schedule

Thursday 7 May 5:40pm sharp - Punishment session: this is a bootcamp style session of a minimum 40 mins and includes core and other stregthening exercises plus some sprint/ stair running.

Saturday 9 May 8:30am - Pre-race warm up of up to 6km. Meet at the Ferry Terminal for a flat, easy run. Cuppa afterwards.

Sunday 10 May 8:15am - Mother's Day Classic 10km. Good luck Caitlin, Cat, Chris, Grace, Grant, Lucas, Margot (5km) and Pat!


Runs week of 20 April:

Running for this weekend are:

Saturday 25 April - 3pm from the ferry terminal. Hopefully giving people time to attend ANZAC day celebrations.

Sunday 26 April - 9am from Mt Ainslie. Meet behind the War Memorial.

Week of 14 April

Running for this week:

Saturday 18 April 8:00am: Meet at the Ginninderra Parkrun (or the one closest to you)

Sunday 19 April 9:00am:8-10km trail run at the National Arboretum (meeting at the top car park near the playground). Coffee inside afterwards.

Good luck at The Australian Running Festival!!

Good luck to those participating in the Australian Running Festival this weekend!



Upcoming running over Easter

Saturday 9:00am - Tilly's course + a km or two then coffee at, ironically not Tilley's but Front Cafe instead.

Sunday 9:30am - Mulligan's Flat (9km + trail run). Perfect for the Half Marathoner's taper off. We will meet at Red Gun Gate, parking at Amy Ackman Street.


Monday 4:00pm - Edgar's but not the exact course, then beer and steak/ tofu. Table booked for 5:00pm.





Runs coming up this week:

 Running for this week:

Thursday 5:45pm - Punishment at Lennox Gardens

Saturday 8:30am - Easy paced run (6-8kms) from the Ferry Terminal then coffee afterwards

Extension of a 10km for the half marathoners taking in East Basin and Parliament

Sunday 8:00am - Moderately hard My Pleasant run (up to 12km) from the Boat House.

Running coming up this week

Running coming up this week:

Saturday 7 March 8am - Join your local Parkrun

Sunday 8 March - rest day or cross train by doing another type of fitness!

Monday 9 March 8am - Sri Chinmoy 4km and 10km events at the Ferry Terminal


See you on the weekend!

See you on the weekend!

Saturday 28 March 8:00am - Parkrun Tuggeranong 2nd anniversary event. 5 Senses Cafe booked at 9am for brunch.

Sunday 29 March 8:30am - Trail run around Mt Ainslie from the back of the War Memorial.

Next pub run on Tuesday 10 February

See you tomorrow for the pub run at ANU starting at 5.40pm.

Running for this weekend:

Saturday 8:30am - Ryan's new Mt Taylor trail run. Roughly 10km but quite hilly. Meet at the Chifley shops. Then coffee and/ or brunch afterwards at A Bite To Eat.

Sunday 5:30pm - Gemma's 1km speed drills at Stromlo Forrest Bike Track. (Only half an hour session). To get there you need to keep driving down Cotter Road past the first sign that says Stromlo Forrest as that road is cut off due to contruction. It is the next turn marked Stromlo Forrest after that.

See you there!

Running for this week:

Thursday 22 January - 6:00am lap of Central Basin from the Flag Poles (meet at Zimbabwe flag)

and/ or

Thursday 22 January - 5:45pm Punishment (Bootcamp) at Lennox Gardens carpark

Saturday 24 January - 7:00am Orroral Valley Classic. Good luck Allison, Cat and Chris in the 10km!


Saturday 24 January - 8:30am social run from the Ferry Terminal plus coffee afterwards


Saturday 24 January - 8:00am Your local Parkrun

Training starts NOW for the Running Festival in April:

Welcome pub runners to 2015!

Training starts NOW for the Running Festival in April:

Thursday 6am: Meeting at the Flag Poles (nations M-Z) for a lap of Central Basin (5km).

Saturday 8am: Parkrun Tuggeranong to celebrate their 100th run. Wear red as requested by the Race Director and breakfast afterwards.

Sunday 9am: Trail run over Red Hill from the Deakin shops carpark (hilly 10km+) then coffee afterwards at Doubleshot.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas pub runners!

Have a happy and safe break and we look forward to seeing you in the new year to work off all of the Christmas indulgences!

Christmas Relays!

Join us for the Christmas Relays at Lennox Gardens for a 1 mile (1.6km) run on Tuesday, 9 December.

Check out our latest photos from Run with the Wind on Sunday 26 October 2014!

Join us this weekend on Saturday 25 October at 8:30am at the Ferry Terminal for a casual 5-8km run followed by coffee or on Sunday at 11am for the Run with the Wind followed by lunch in Tarago!


Our next 5km pub run is our final one at the RUC on Tuesday 28 October at 5:40pm. See you there!

Thursday Run 5:40 @ the Yarralumla Yacht Club

Join us this Thursday 10 October for our first 5km run from the Yarralumla Yacht Club at 5:40pm for an easy untimed run as a group!


The next 5km timed pub run at The RUC will be on Tuesday 14 October at 5:40pm.

Next pub run will be on Tuesday 7 October

Join us for the next 5km pub run on Tuesday 7 October at the RUC at 5:40pm

Next run will be on Tuesday 23 September

Next pub run will be held at the RUC on Tuesday 23 Sepetmber at 5:40pm. See you there!

Casual Run at Duxton

Join the group for a casual 5km run from Duxton on Thursday 18 September at 5:40pm.

This week's running


Saturday 13 September - 9:00am - Grant’s Hackett Trail Run. Meet at Hackett Shops and we’ll do an out and back. Coffee afterwards for those who do not get lost on Mt Majura.

Tuesday 16 September - 5:40pm - The Ruc pubrun

Join us this weekend in The Canberra Times Fun Run for the 5km, 10km or 14km on Sunday, 7 September 2014!


The next pub run will be held at The Ruc at 5:40pm on Tuesday,  9 September 2014.


New website launched!

New website launched!!!

See the latest results from our first couple of runs at the RUC in August.

The next run will be on Tuesday 19 August at the RUC in Barton.